Russian forces continue shelling Mariupol

The Russian troops continue to fire upon Mariupol, in particular, the residential district Skhidnyi is being shelled by a TOS-1 heavy flamethrower system.

According to Ukrinform, the press service of the National Guard of Ukraine wrote this on Telegram.

"The enemy continues shelling the city of Mariupol. The TOS-1 Buratino heavy flamethrower system is firing upon the residential district Shkidnyi. In addition, enemy aircraft, tanks, artillery and jet artillery are being deployed in the city. The number of civilian casualties is still being clarified, entire districts of the city are being destroyed and burned by the Russian occupiers, killing people,” the report says.

As reported, on February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and launched a large-scale invasion. Russian troops have been shelling and destroying key infrastructure. Missiles hit residential buildings.

Martial law was imposed in Ukraine and general mobilization was announced.

Ukraine officially filed a lawsuit against the Russian Federation with the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague.
