About 20 enemy aircraft constantly patrolling near Ukrainian borders

About 20 Russian aircraft of various types conduct round-the-clock patrols near the borders of Ukraine.

Yuriy Ignat, spokesperson for the Air Force Command of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, said on Ukrainian TV channels, Ukrinform reports.

"About 20 aircraft are constantly in the airspace around the Ukrainian borders. They are patrolling around the clock. These are different types of aircraft that conduct patrols," Ignat said.

Read also: Ukraine’s Armed Forces repulse Russian offensive in four directions

He also stressed that some of these aircraft, in addition to patrolling, also fire Kh-59 and Kh-58 air-to-air missiles.

On February 24, Russia launched a new phase of its eight-year war against Ukraine – a full-scale invasion. Russian troops have been shelling and destroying key infrastructure facilities, conducting massive shelling of residential areas of Ukrainian cities and villages.
