Three civilians blown up by landmines as leaving liberated village in Kharkiv region

Three people were killed and another person was injured in mine explosions in the liberated village of Makarove of the Zolochiv community, Kharkiv region.

Viktor Kovalenko, the head of the Zolochiv community, told the local newspaper Zoria about this, Ukrinform reports.

"It is very dangerous in Makarove and Turove, the military did not even allow humanitarian cargo to be delivered there, as everything is mined. I don't know how long it will take to de-mine the roads there. We have negative consequences. Yesterday, three people died in Makarove and one person was injured - they wanted to leave on the dirt road. I am calling on you to refrain from traveling to these places," Kovalenko said.

He emphasized that driving to this community through the neighboring Derhachi community is also dangerous.

 As reported, the Zolochiv community, which is under constant shelling, is a border community, two of its villages - Turove and Makarov, were under the control of Russian troops. According to the Bohodukhiv district military administration, as of September 5, 63 residents of the Zolochiv community were killed, and more than 1,340 buildings were damaged or destroyed.
