German MRAP vehicles, Iris-T SLM missiles already delivered to Ukraine

Ukraine has received another batch of military equipment and ammunition from Germany.

The updated list of Germany’s military support delivered to Ukraine was published on the website of the Federal Government, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

In particular, the following units were delivered to Ukraine: 30 MRAP vehicles DINGO, Iris-T SLM missiles (unspecified amount), four anti-drone sensors and jammers (14 delivered before), 18 reconnaissance drones, five tank transporter tractor M1070 Oshkosh, one more lift truck (two delivered before).

The planned military support now also includes Iris-T SLM missiles, 42 mine clearing tanks, four mobile and protected mine clearing systems, three mobile, remote controlled and protected mine clearing systems, five mobile reconnaissance systems.

The total value of individual licenses issued by the Federal Government for the export of military goods in the period from January 1, 2022 to November 7, 2022 amounts to more than EUR 1.5 billion.
