Switzerland plans to allow re-export of its weapons to Ukraine

The Swiss National Council's Security Policy Committee has supported a parliamentary initiative to allow the re-export of war materiel in certain cases, in particular in the case of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The Swiss parliament's press service reported this on Tuesday, according to Ukrinform.

"The National Council's Security Policy Committee adopted, by 14 votes to 11, a motion and a parliamentary committee initiative relating to the re-export of war materiel," the report said.

According to the parliamentarians, "declarations of non-re-export" must be able to be revoked in the event of a violation of the international prohibition against the use of force, and specifically in the case of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The parliamentary initiative also wants to amend Article 18 of the Federal Act on War Materiel to invalidate declarations of non-re-export if it is established that the re-export of war material to Ukraine is linked to the Russian-Ukrainian war. This amendment should be declared urgent and remain in force until December 31, 2025.

Read also: Switzerland supports seizing Russian frozen assets for Ukraine, while banks oppose idea

The Security Policy Committee believes that Switzerland should provide more support to Ukraine, and the proposed changes do not violate the law on neutrality, since it is not about the direct export of equipment. The minority of the committee fears that the re-export of Swiss weapons to Ukraine could pose a problem from the point of view of neutrality, in particular with regard to the principle of equal treatment.