Russians continue demolishing apartment blocks in Mariupol


The Russians have demolished two apartment blocks in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. In total, the enemy regime has already destroyed 50% of the city's housing stock.

"The occupiers continue demolishing the homes of Mariupol residents. In particular, two houses at 77 and 79 Metalurhiv Avenue were recently demolished. Now there are ruins instead of apartments and life," the Mariupol City Council posted on Telegram.

It is noted that the invaders destroyed 50% of the entire housing stock of the city during the blockade and more than 300 buildings were completely demolished already after the occupation. At the same time, many Mariupol residents fight for their homes to be left intact because they continue to live there.

As reported, Mariupol experienced one of the biggest humanitarian disasters caused by Russia's aggression. The city was almost 90% destroyed by enemy shelling.

Currently, more than 100,000 residents remain in the blocked city. The invaders demolish the damaged houses in the city to hide the traces of their crimes.

The Russians turn Mariupol and the surrounding villages into a military-logistics hub for their army.