President Zelensky: Russia must lose every day – that’s fair

It is very important that Ukraine’s defense and security forces, and the entire state work as a single team for the sake of defense. Russia must lose every day – that’s fair.

The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his video address, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

The full text of the speech is provided below:

I wish you health, fellow Ukrainians!

A brief report on this day.

I held a special format of the Staff meeting. We focused mostly on frontline issues.

There were reports from the Commander-in-Chief, the commanders of the main directions, and the Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate. Maximum attention is paid to those areas where we are moving forward and those where Ukrainian forces are on the defensive. In all areas, the first task is to destroy the occupiers, their equipment, supplies, warehouses, and headquarters as much as possible. Russia must lose every day - that's fair. And I thank all our warriors who ensure this: all our soldiers, sailors, petty officers, sergeants, officers and generals. It is very important that our defense and security forces, our entire state, work as a single team for the sake of defense.

At the Staff meeting, of course, we also thoroughly discuss all issues related to protection against Russian missile and drone terror. Protection of our people, our cities, our ports, the Black Sea grain corridor. We are preparing powerful responses to Russian terrorists' attacks.

I also held several political meetings, in particular on the European Union and our integration. This year we are to start negotiations on membership. Ukraine is fully prepared for this - we are doing what is necessary on our part. And we are doing everything possible to ensure that the EU is also fully prepared. Exactly this year.

I also held a major meeting with government officials and our experts on international relations on the export of Ukrainian agricultural products through the territory of European countries. There is a very important agreement with the European Commission regarding September 15, which is the last day of restrictions on our grain exports, and we believe that the European side will fulfill its obligations on this date, when the temporary restrictions will cease to be in effect. Any extension of the restrictions is absolutely unacceptable and outright non-European. Europe has the institutional capacity to act more rationally than to close a border for a particular product. We are working very actively with everyone to find a solution that is in line with the spirit of our Europe.

And one more thing.

Occasionally, once a month, I send a special letter of gratitude to those warriors who have distinguished themselves on the frontline. Last week, I sent such a written gratitude to our glorious 56th Mariupol separate motorized infantry brigade. To all its warriors and brigade commanders. And today I received the chevron of the 56th brigade - it is already here in my office, on the board with other chevrons. And a flag signed by the guys.

Thank you very much, warriors! Thank you very much, heroes!

Glory to all who fight for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who makes Ukraine stronger!

Glory to Ukraine!

Photo, video: Office of the President of Ukraine