Ukrainian forces partially break through Russia’s first line of defense in south – Maliar

In some places, the Ukrainian military have already broken through Russia’s first line of defense in the south.

The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian Defense Deputy Minister Hanna Maliar during a nationwide telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“Speaking of the south, our forces continue to persistently carry out offensive actions there despite the enemy’s very strong resistance. Firstly, this refers to continuous artillery attacks and, secondly, mining efforts. But, our troops in the south have already broken through the first line of defense in some places and moved to the so-called intermediate line,” Maliar told.

In her words, at the intermediate line, Russians set up concrete engineering fortifications within their main heights, which is complicating the movement of Ukrainian forces.

Both in the south and in the east, Russians are bringing up personnel reserves, mainly professional military units, such as air assault units.

According to Maliar, Russia is focusing efforts on the east as the epicenter of hostilities.

Fierce battles are raging in the Marinka and Avdiivka direction. The situation is changing there on a daily basis but, most importantly, Ukraine’s Defense Forces do now allow the enemy to advance, Maliar stressed.