Ukraine hopes to get TAURUS missiles – Air Force spox

Ukraine hopes to receive TAURUS missiles from international partners which will allow the defense forces to destroy the enemy more effectively.

"We really need such [long-range] missiles, and you see their results all the time in burning Russian depots, destroyed crossings, bridges, etc. These are high-precision, long-range weapons that leave no chance for the enemy, that brings our victory closer. I would like to see German missiles next to Storm Shadow and SCALP. Now the discussion about TAURUS cruise missiles is already ongoing. We do not yet know what decision the German government will make, but we hope it will be in favor of Ukraine," Yuriy Ihnat, the spokesman for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said during the United News nationwide telethon, commenting on the supply of French SCALP and German TAURUS missiles, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Read also: Germany ruling party doesn’t exclude possible transfer of Taurus missiles to Ukraine

According to the Air Force spokesman, German missile has more powerful characteristics which will make strikes at greater distances possible. He also added: "we are waiting for this missile, and we would also like to get ATACMS, of course."

Answering questions about the range of German missiles, the spokesman noted that each manufacturer was restrained in talking about tactical and technical characteristics, adding that the range could be from 250 km.

"We are interested in range, accuracy, power. Everything is tested in practice. The range of missiles or aerial bombs depends on the carriers on which they are located and on the height to which these carriers raise them. Therefore, everything is conditional there. And to increase the range, you need a flight height," Ihnat explained.