President sees Ukraine’s victory as de-occupation of all territories, including Crimea, Donbas

There are many opinions on what Ukraine’s victory is, but it is necessary to understand what security guarantees Ukraine will receive in the future.

The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his end-of-year press conference on Tuesday, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

When asked what is Ukraine’s victory for him personally, the Head of State said: “I have nothing personal. In this post, I have to defend our state in accordance with our Constitution. The whole of its territory, and our entire territory includes the [temporarily] occupied Donbas and Crimea. Thus, I can see it only this way.”

According to the President of Ukraine, public attitudes and the opinions of international partners on what is the country’s victory are very different.

Some of them believe that Ukraine’s victory is the fact that Russia was unable to fully seize its territory. For international partners, Ukraine’s victory is the mere fact that Russia failed to destroy the Ukrainian statehood and identity.

“I am skeptical about this. I believe we must fight. Because no one guarantees that, even if tomorrow we reach the line where this onslaught started, which would be a supreme effort... And if it happens, then what’s next? What will happen next? What security guarantees will we get? Who can guarantee that there will be security with Russia? It is clear that the more Russia retreats, the weaker it will be, starting with its leader within the state, it will be their weakness. Ending with presence in the international arena, international platforms. It is very important. We must use this time and, God willing, we will have such an opportunity. We are all fighting, praying that we will succeed. It will be very difficult,” Zelensky concluded.

A reminder that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated earlier that the issue of negotiations with Russia is not relevant today.