Two Patriots for Kharkiv will change situation: Zelensky shows aftermath of Russian attack on holiday resort

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has offered his condolences to the loved ones of those killed and injured in a Russian missile attack on a civilian object in the Kharkiv district.

He said this in a post on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

"Only today, as a result of one of the shellings in the Kharkiv region, 16 people were injured and 5 killed. My condolences to their close ones," Zelensky wrote.

He said that missiles, bombs, and artillery are the only thing that allows Russia to continue its aggression.

"The world can put an end to Russian terror. To achieve this, the lack of political will among leaders must be overcome. Two Patriots for Kharkiv will fundamentally change the situation," Zelensky said.

According to him, air defense systems in Ukraine's other cities, as well as sufficient support for Ukrainian warriors on the frontlines, will ensure the defeat of Russian terror.

"I am grateful to all leaders and states who recognize this and take decisive action to ensure a just end to the war and bring terrorists to justice sooner," Zelensky said.

On Sunday, May 19, the Russians attacked a civilian object in the Kharkiv region with an Iskander-M missile. Five people were killed and 16 injured in the attack. Among those injured is an 8-year-old child with minor injuries. Eight victims are in a serious condition.