Russians intensify campaign to discredit mobilisation in Ukraine - CCD

The Centre for Countering Disinformation (CCD) has recorded the intensification of Russian propaganda efforts as part of the Maidan-3 disinformation campaign, which aims to destabilise the situation in Ukraine as much as possible.

This is stated in the statement of the CCD, Ukrinform reports.

"The Russian Federation is using all available media to promote the narrative of the 'illegitimacy' of the Ukrainian government, trying to encourage Ukrainians to come out to protest. The enemy has also stepped up its campaign to discredit mobilisation in Ukraine.

Moscow's goal is to disorganise the political situation in Ukraine and cause chaos in our society by spreading manipulations on issues that are sensitive to Ukrainians," the statement said.

Read also: CCD on explosion of multi-storey building in Belgorod: Looks like Russian provocation

The Centre emphasises that the enemy hopes to provoke a political crisis to weaken international support for Ukraine and at the same time reduce the defence capability of our country. It calls for a critical attitude to the information about events in Ukraine that is spread on the Internet and not to succumb to the enemy's manipulations.

As reported earlier, the Centre predicted that Russian PSYOP would intensify as part of the Maidan-3 campaign after 20 May.