Ukraine’s ombudsman appeals to UN over Russia’s abuse of POWs

The Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytro Lubinets, sent official letters to the ICRC and UN to document the abuse of Ukrainian prisoners by the Russian military in Kharkiv region.

The ombudsman reported this via Telegram, Ukrinform saw.

He noted that a video showing Russian soldiers abusing Ukrainian prisoners of war is now circulating on social media. According to tentative reports, the incident took place in the embattled region of Kharkiv. The video recorded beatings, humiliation, threats, and an execution imitation.

"Unfortunately, such treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war is not an exception, but a common tactic for the invaders," Lubinets stated, pointing out that such actions constitute a violation of the Geneva Conventions, according to which prisoners of war are entitled to humane treatment.

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The ombudsman emphasized that the latest case should be documented as yet another proof of violation of international humanitarian law by Russia. He addressed official letters to the ICRC and UN, so that these organizations record the fact of abuse.

"This will be another addition to the evidence base for the future criminal tribunal. Russia does not follow any rules of warfare and is absolutely not ashamed to show off its brutal and anti-human actions! The world must react to bring Russia to justice, otherwise the law of force will defeat the force of law!" Lubinets said.

As reported earlier, Lubinets said the Russian side did not follow any rules when forming lists of POWs for exchanges.