Ukraine’s defense intel confirms damage to two Russian Su-57 stealth fighters

Andrii Yusov, the spokesman for the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate, confirmed that for the first time in history, two Russian Su-57 multirole fighter jets have been hit at once.

The official spoke on the air of the national telethon, Ukrinform reports.

"Regarding the attack targeting the Su-57s on the territory of the aggressor state, almost 600 km from our border. We have not officially commented as to whose operation that was, but analysts are able to make their own assumptions. And indeed, as for the confirmation of the strike, we can state that one of those Su-57s sustained significant damage and the other suffered lighter damages. It is likely that the latter may be restored in a shorter period. However, the fact is that the Su-57s were damaged for the first time and that two such ‘new’ Russian fighters, the pride of Russia’s air force that turned out vulnerable enough, were damaged simultaneously," Yusov said.

Read also: Russian Su-34 crashes in mountains of North Ossetia

According to the official, the invaders have long been trying to launch serial production of these planes but constantly postponed these deadlines. Currently, they are numbered in single digits.

"The enemy actually tried to hide and exaggerate the features of this fighter as much as possible, calling it a fifth-generation fighter, but there are doubts in this regard, so fearing the Ukrainian Air Force, the Su-57s never crossed into Ukrainian airspace, being actively used in terrorist attacks on Ukrainian civilian facilities. Therefore, the fact that Su-57s have been hit is fair and natural," added the defense intelligence official.

Read also: DIU: Russia's most advanced Su-57 fighter jet is hit for first time

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin was reportedly enraged over the Ukrainian Defense Forces hitting Moscow’s famed Su-57 fighter jet on an airfield inside Russia.