Pletenchuk: Ferry crossing for Russians is main element of military logistics in Crimea

The ferry crossing remains the main element of Russian military logistics in the occupied Crimea.

Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk said this on the air of the United News telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"The crossing remains the main, key element of military logistics for them, if we are talking about communication with Crimea. For example, the railway that they are building so pompously is far from being completed. If we are talking about the planned connection between Rostov and Crimea, it is too early to talk about it," he said.

Answering the question about the presence of Russian missile carriers in the Black and Azov Seas, Pletenchuk informed that one Russian submarine is in the Black Sea, which can have up to 4 missiles on board.

Read also: Explosions occurred in Crimea at Cape Chauda

"And three units are in the Azov Sea, these are ships of the Buyan-M project, 3 units. They can now have up to 20 missiles in service, given that they have already used 4," the spokesman said.

As reported, on the night of 22 June, the Russian army used 16 missiles against Ukraine, including 4 Kalibr missiles from the Black Sea, which were shot down by the Ukrainian military.

Photo: Novosti.LIVE