General Staff of AFU congratulated British military on Armed Forces Day

The Ukrainian military congratulated their colleagues from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on His Majesty's Armed Forces Day, which is celebrated annually on the last Saturday of June.

This is stated on the Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

The General Staff expressed gratitude to the military and civilian personnel of the British Army for the decisions aimed at strengthening the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, preserving the lives and health of the Ukrainian military and the entire Ukrainian people, who defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state during Russian military aggression.

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"The UK's security assistance packages aimed at building capabilities, enhancing capacities, and interoperability with NATO member states contribute to Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic strategic development," the General Staff said.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the Commander of the British Armed Forces, Admiral Antony Radakin, expressed his belief that Ukraine would win the war against Russia.

Photo: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine