Zelensky on Trump's plan to end war in 24 hours: Giving up territory is a bad idea

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said he does not know how to end the war in 24 hours, but if the plan of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump consists of territorial concessions to Russia, then this is a "bad idea."

The head of state said this in an interview with Trudy Rubin, a columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, Ukrinform reports.

"I don't know how the war can be ended in 24 hours, but I'm not Trump. If Trump has such a model [to end the war in 24 hours], well, everyone would like to finalize the war. Maybe even in one hour would be better. But if the idea is to give up our territories, then it is not a new idea," Zelensky said.

According to him, if someone thinks that this will solve the issue, then it will not happen, because Putin needs to "feed his society with information about pseudo-victories."

Read also: Zelensky: Ukraine needs means to destroy Russian carriers of guided aerial bombs

The president stressed that it would be impossible to simply stop Putin and he must be put in his place.

"It will not work; it will not lead to peace [globally] or between Ukraine and Russia," he said.

Zelensky added that Ukraine should receive security guarantees, "something that some of our partners in the United States and Europe are afraid of – this is Ukraine's membership in NATO."

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine