House Intel Committee chair supports wider use of U.S. weapons inside Russia

The Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, Mike Turner, has expressed his support for the wider use of U.S.-made weapons for strikes inside Russia.

He said this at a briefing as part of the visit of a bipartisan delegation of the U.S. Congress to Kyiv, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"My position is broader than the administration's. I believe that Ukraine ought to be able to use the weapons that are being provided for valid military targets," Turner said.

Read also: U.S. position on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia unchanged - Biden

He noted that his position coincides with the position of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: "Ukraine should not be fighting with one arm tied behind its back. It should be able to respond to attacks from Russia."

Turner added that one issue is the increased production of weapons in Russia, and to respond to this issue, there should be an ability to use a military force.