Ukraine's integration into NATO could follow German scenario - former Polish Defense Minister


Ukraine's integration into NATO, if Kyiv agreed to freeze hostilities on a certain line, could be based on the scenario of West Germany's accession to the Alliance in 1955, which at that time had territorial claims to East Germany (GDR).

This opinion was expressed in an interview with Ukrinform by former Polish Minister of National Defense Janusz Onyszkiewicz.

According to the expert, Ukraine's accession to NATO is a "problematic issue" at this stage.

"Everything will depend on when Ukraine is ready to end the active phase of the war. NATO would not dare to admit a country that is in a state of hot war on its territory, because this war would automatically become a war for the entire Alliance. Therefore, there will be no political agreement on this among NATO countries, at least some of them. And in NATO, all decisions are made unanimously," the expert said. 

Read also: Polish expert: Rutte will strongly support Ukraine as NATO Secretary General

On the other hand, according to him, Ukraine can be admitted to NATO if it "somehow agrees to freeze hostilities on a certain line." In addition, Kyiv must agree that the possible return of the occupied territories in the future will not take place as a result of the war that Ukraine will start.

"This situation would in some ways be similar to the circumstances of Germany's accession to NATO (in 1955 – ed.), since it was admitted to the Alliance when it had territorial claims to the GDR. At that time, West Germany had to clearly declare to other NATO countries that unification with East Germany could only take place by peaceful means," said the former Minister of National Defense of Poland. 

He added that the best option would be Ukraine's accession to NATO after the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity. However, it is not known when this may happen.

 As reported, the 75th anniversary NATO summit is taking place in Washington this week, one of the main issues of which is to increase military assistance to Ukraine.