AFU to fly F-16s in summer - statement by US, Netherlands and Denmark

Ukraine will receive F-16 combat aircraft within a few weeks.

According to Ukrinform, this is stated in a joint statement by US President Joe Biden and Prime Ministers of the Netherlands Dick Schoof and Denmark Mette Frederiksen.

"With the support of the United States, the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands are in the process of transferring US-made F-16s to Ukraine. The process of transferring F-16s is already underway, and Ukraine will fly combat F-16s this summer," the document states.

It is noted that it is impossible to provide a more precise date for Ukraine to receive the aircraft due to "operational security considerations". "We are committed to further strengthening Ukraine's air capabilities, which will include squadrons of modern fourth-generation F-16 multi-role combat aircraft. The Coalition intends to support their sustainment and armament, as well as further training of pilots to improve operational effectiveness," the signatories stressed.

Read also: Norway to hand over six F-16 fighters to Ukraine

They also pledged to "continue to act in a coordinated manner to support Ukraine's ability to defend itself against Russian aggression."

As reported by Ukrinform, President Volodymyr Zelensky, while in the United States, announced the decision on F-16s and the signing of two new security agreements.

Meanwhile, Norway has announced that it will provide six F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.
