Attack on Nizhin dorm: four injured remain in hospital


In Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, four people were hospitalized following a Russian drone attack that mauled a local dormitory.

That’s according to Mayor of Nizhyn, Oleksandr Kodola, Ukrinform reports citing the Suspilne public broadcaster.

It is noted that four people were hospitalized after the overnight strike involving a Russian Shahed one-way attack drone. Also, 15 people sought medical help, having suffered hypertensive crisis.

The affected dormitory is now ruled uninhabitable.

Read also: Ukraine’s intel tells of Russia’s drones used to locate air defenses

"Now we are dealing with the liquidation of the aftermath. The building was badly damaged. We are now making sure residents vacate the building. Elderly people used to live there. There were 24 rooms, of which 15 were damaged. We will block all doors and windows. There is no gas, water, or electricity in the dorm. We need to do a major overhaul," Kodola said.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, during a massive Russian attack, a Shahed drone hit an infrastructure facility and a dormitory in Chernihiv region.