Man detained in Crimea for 'insulting Putin'

A man who allegedly "insulted Putin for the second time and agreed to help the SSU" was detained in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

This is reported by the Crimean Tatar Resource Centre with reference to Russian media, Ukrinform reports.

It is noted that we are talking about Vladimir Poplavsky, who was first detained after he said live on social media that he was "ready to cooperate with the SSU". He was forced to apologise for this.

A month after the incident, the man went on air again, reiterating his anti-Russian stance. In the conversation, he "insulted the President of the Russian Federation, saying that he was waiting for Ukraine to come".

Read also: Satellite images show consequences of Ukraine’s attack on airfield in occupied Crimea

The man was detained and sent to a temporary detention centre, and the collected materials were sent to court for further consideration.

Earlier it was reported that in Crimea in 2023, Russians detained 173 people, 119 of whom were Crimean Tatars.