Morning rocket attack damages 50 houses in Kyiv region, two of them destroyed

In the Kyiv region, as a result of a morning missile attack by the Russian Federation army, 50 houses in three settlements were damaged, two of which were destroyed.

According to Ukrinform, the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, Ruslan Kravchenko, posted this on Facebook.

"As of 18:30, damage was recorded in six garden associations and three settlements in one of the districts of the region. Fifty private houses were damaged. Two of them were destroyed," the statement said.

Five cars, a workshop, garages, and power lines were also damaged.

There were no injuries among the population.

Read also: Invaders attack Nikopol and Myrivska community in Dnipropetrovsk region at night and in morning

"All victims will be provided with the necessary assistance. Together with local authorities and international partners, we are already working on this," Kravchenko said.

As Ukrinform reported, on the morning of 18 August, the Russian army attacked Kyiv region with missiles. The alert was announced twice.

Photo: SES