Russians attacked civilian car with drone in Sumy region - couple was killed

Russian troops attacked a civilian car in Sumy region on the Kipti-Hlukhiv-Bachivsk highway, killing a couple.

This was reported in Telegram by the Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office, Ukrinform reports.

“On August 24, 2024, at about 8:00, using methods of warfare prohibited by international law, the enemy, according to preliminary data, attacked a civilian car moving along the Kipti-Hlukhiv-Bachivsk highway with a drone. As a result of the attack, a 35-year-old man and his 34-year-old wife were killed,” the statement said.

Read also: Russian army strikes at Bilozerka in Kherson region, woman wounded

A pre-trial investigation is underway into the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

As reported, last night and Saturday morning, Russian troops fired 22 times at the border in Sumy region.

Photo: Prosecutor's Office of Sumy region