Explaining complex things in simple words: Crimea is Ukraine, Appeal to strengthen the air defence of Ukraine, Moscow's war crimes}

The Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security pursues efforts to provide a brief explanation to foreign audiences on the current topics of particular interest as regards Ukraine. 


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in his a video appeals to the participants of the Crimean Platform summit, supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and emphasised that Crimea belongs to Ukraine in accordance with international law.

  •     We are grateful to Turkey for its unconditional support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We appreciate this position.
  •     Many initiators of peace negotiations with Russia, who propose “territorial compromises”, should take an example from Turkey's principled position.
  •     Crimea is the same territory of Ukraine as the temporarily occupied mainland regions of our country. The peninsula cannot be removed from the framework of a political settlement of the conflict.
  •     All Moscow's hopes that Ankara will play on its side are dashed by different attitudes towards international law. Virtually no one in the world recognises Russian pseudo-referendums and annexations.
  • The Turkish President also emphasised that the Russian occupation deepens the suffering of the Crimean Tatars, who survived deportation 80 years ago.



On September 11, an open letter to Ukraine's partners was released: an urgent appeal for sufficient assistance to ensure the effective operation of air defence systems to protect Ukrainian civilians and critical infrastructure.

  • The appeal has been signed by 200 representatives of public organisations, intellectuals, and leaders of public opinion—both Ukrainians and foreigners.
  • The signatories of the appeal express gratitude to the partners for their intransigent support of Ukraine in the existential fighting against the threat to the existence of the Ukrainian nation due to Russian aggression.
  • The appeal emphasises that Russian attacks on civilian objects (such as the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital) are an open terrorist act and a clear violation of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions, the Rome Statute, and other norms of international humanitarian law.
  • The signatories of the appeal urgently call on Ukraine's partners to take long-awaited measures to protect Ukraine's airspace.
  • Supporting Ukraine means protecting democracy and innocent victims ofsenseless aggression. Together, we will strengthen the values of justice and freedom that unite us as a global community.


The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, announced that during the full-scale invasion, the Russian occupiers committed 137,000 war crimes.

  •     Russian aggressors commit crimes against Ukrainians knowingly, massively, and systematically. Russia is waging agenocidal war against Ukraine.
  •     High-ranking Russian criminals, including Putin, are already wanted by the International Criminal Court.
  •     Russian war crimes are recorded and investigated, they do not remain anonymous and without responsibility.
  •     There are 137,000 crimes known to this day, and there should be no fewer sentences for them.
  •     Responsibility for crimes is a basic requirement of justice. It is impossible to talk about peace without punishing criminals.