Azov shows Ukrainian FPV drones destroying Russian attack, recon UAVs


Air defense units of the 12th Azov Brigade engaged a Molniya-1 attack drone, rarely employed on the battlefield, as well as Orlans, Zalas, and Supercam UAVs.

That’s according to a video posted by the Azov press service, Ukrinform reports.

Depriving the invaders of their "eyes" means protecting manpower and equipment of Ukraine’s Defense Forces, saving their lives and health.

In the video released via Telegram, FPV drone operators destroy Orlans, Zalas, and Supercams flying at an altitude of 1 to 5 km. It was also recorded that a rare attack UAV, Molniya-1, was effectively downed.

Read also: Russia preparing strikes on Ukraine’s critical nuclear energy facilities – MFA

"Azov air defense forces hone their skills every day to shoot down challenging targets and protect artillery and rear areas," the military said.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, drones operated by Ukaine’s Security Service hit infrastructure facilities at the Shaykovka military airfield in Russia’s Kaluga region, home to TU-22M strategic bombers that regularly attack Ukraine.

Photo: Anton Shevelyov