Shelling of Zaporizhzhia: 74 apartment buildings, 24 private houses damaged

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Emergency services continue to eliminate the aftermath of shelling in Zaporizhzhia, which the Russian army attacked for two days in a row, damaging 74 apartment buildings and 24 private houses in the city.

Acting Mayor of Zaporizhzhia Rehina Kharchenko said this in a post on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"The enemy hit residential areas. As of now, 74 apartment buildings, 24 private houses, 15 non-residential premises, social sphere and infrastructure objects in the Shevchenkivskyi, Oleksandrivskyi and Komunarskyi districts of the city have been damaged," she wrote.

All city services are involved in tackling the consequences of the strikes. Inspection of damaged apartments and houses is ongoing.

Video: Official Telegram channel of Ukrainian Interior Ministry

Earlier reports that Russian forces had attacked Zaporizhzhia with glide bombs. In the last 24 hours, one person was killed and six people were injured in the city.

Photo credit: Ukraine's State Emergency Service