In September, Ukraine reports 250 Russian chemical attacks on battlefield

In September, 250 cases were recorded where Russian invasion troops employed specialized ammunition fitted with hazardous chemical substances against Ukraine’s Defense Forces of Ukraine.

That’s according to the Support Forces Command, Ukrinform reports.

The enemy continues to use special munitions equipped with hazardous chemicals against the Defense Forces, according to the update.

"Next to conventional means of fire damage, the enemy employs munitions fitted with hazardous chemical riot control substances, such as K-51 and RG-VO, proscribed for use as means of warfare,” the report reads. “There is also a significant share of munitions containing hazardous chemical compounds of an unknown type.”

In September 2024, radiation, chemical, and biological monitoring units of Ukraine’s Support Forces recorded 250 such incidents.

With the outset of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, monitors have been recording cases of Russia using hazardous chemical substances on the battlefield.

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Since February 2023, the use of such chemicals by the Russians has grown systemic.

As of September 24, a total of 4,228 case have been recorded.

With such actions, Russia grossly violates the rules of warfare, ignores the norms and obligations undertaken under the Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction, the Command of Support Forces emphasized.

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As Ukrinform reported earlier, in August, Russian troops launched 447 attacks against the Defense Forces, using hazardous chemical susbtances.