OSCE SMM spots 36 tanks and almost 100 infantry fighting vehicles in occupied Luhansk region

The OSCE SMM UAV spotted 36 tanks and almost 100 infantry fighting vehicles located in violation of the Minsk agreements in the occupied areas of Luhansk region.

This is stated in the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report issued on 21 October 2019.

According to the table of weapons beyond withdrawal lines but outside of designated storage sites, a long-range UAV of the OSCE SMM spotted 22 T-64 tanks in a training area near Buhaivka (37km south-west of Luhansk).

In the same area, the UAV also spotted at least 48 infantry fighting vehicles (at least 40 BMP-1 and 8 BMP-2).

Moreover, in a training area near Myrne (28km south-west of Luhansk), the UAV also spotted 14 T-64 tanks, 8 self-propelled howitzers (2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm), 9 towed howitzers (D-30 Lyagushka, 122mm) and 5 anti-tank guns (MT-12 Rapira, 100mm).

In addition, at least 50 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP variant) were recorded in that area.
