VAT prevents Ukrainian producers from entering EU markets – expert

The value added tax (VAT) is the main obstacle preventing the Ukrainian producers from entering the markets of the European Union, according to an expert.

Oleh Miroshnychenko, a business consultant and former expert of the EU Delegation in Ukraine, one of the authors of "How to enter the EU market?" textbook said when answering journalists' questions, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“We have such a notorious tax as VAT, and in fact, it becomes a punishment for the export. This means, you are exporting and you are also receiving additional ‘charges’ - to sell in the domestic market is more profitable than to export," Miroshnychenko said.

He also added that the Ukrainian business also lacks confidence in foreign markets.

“With regard to the business, there is a high degree of distrust of each other, as well as of foreign partners. We need to learn how to trust, how to develop trust,” Miroshnychenko.
