Ukraine decreases state debt by almost 0.5% in October - Finance Ministry

In October 2018, the overall state and government-guaranteed debt of Ukraine decreased by almost 0.5% from September 30, 2018, the Finance Ministry’s press service reports.

As of October 31, 2018, the overall state and government-guaranteed debt of Ukraine totaled $74.32 billion, which is $0.35 billion less compared with September 30, 2018 ($74.66 billion).

According to the ministry, the state and government-guaranteed debt in hryvnia equivalent over the reporting month made up UAH 2,093.08 billion.

The total amount of state debt amounted to UAH 1,811.43 billion or $64.32 billion as of October 31, 2018, including: state external debt - UAH 1,060.28 billion or $37.65 billion; state domestic debt – UAH 751.15 billion or $26.67 billion.

Ukraine’s government-guaranteed debt as of October 31 amounted to UAH 281.65 billion or $10.00 billion.
