European Commission welcomes Ukraine-Russia gas talks

European Commission Vice-President for the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič has welcomed gas consultations between Kyiv and Moscow, which took place in Vienna on November 28.

"I welcome ongoing contacts between Ukraine and Russia in the context of trilateral gas talks. We are set to build on the progress achieved, with the next round of trilateral talks at political level, hosted by the European Commission, envisaged in December," Šefčovič posted on Twitter.

On November 28, Ukrainian Energy and Environmental Protection Minister Oleksiy Orzhel met with Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak as part of preparations for signing an agreement on gas transportation by the Ukrainian gas transit system. The parties discussed the possibility of signing a contract in accordance with European rules and agreed to intensify the work. Negotiations will continue in the bilateral format and in the trilateral format with the European side.
