Ukraine completely launches free trade area with North Macedonia

Ukraine completely launches free trade area with North Macedonia

Ukraine has changed the mechanism of customs clearance of goods that are subject to licensing within the framework of the free trade agreement with North Macedonia.

"On August 15, a resolution was adopted at a government meeting that changes the mechanism of customs clearance of goods that are subject to licensing within the framework of the free trade agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of North Macedonia," the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine reports.

The adopted resolution, in particular, changes the mechanism of customs clearance of agricultural goods. From now on, subjects of foreign economic activity do not need to obtain a license to import goods from North Macedonia within the framework of the tariff quota.

The distribution of tariff quotas in accordance with the agreement, the Ministry explained, will be carried out by the customs authorities on a first-come, first-served basis.

Liberalization of trade with North Macedonia strengthens the position of Ukrainian producers in European and global value added chains.

According to Deputy Minister of Economy – Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka, an important achievement for Ukraine in the context of FTA is North Macedonia’s accession to the Pan-Euro-Med Regional Convention, which establishes identical rules of origin of goods, and the movement certificate EUR. 1, which confirms the status of preferential origin of goods.
