ProZorro.Sale has already hosted 35,000 auctions for lease of state and municipal property

Since its launch in 2020, ProZorro.Sale has already held 35,000 auctions for the lease of state and municipal property, which annually bring up to UAH 200,000 to the organisers.

This was reported by the press service of ProZorro.Sale, Ukrinform reports.

"Since 2020, the system has hosted almost 35,200 online auctions for the lease of state and municipal assets. During this time, almost 37,800 participants competed for the right to lease such property. And more than 3,300 organisers announced electronic auctions: communities and the State Property Fund," the statement said.

According to analysts, the organisers of online auctions for the lease of state and municipal property earn up to UAH 200 million annually. Of these funds, almost UAH 82.5 million a year comes from state and municipal property leased out on Prozorro.Sale after the full-scale invasion.

The largest number of assets - real estate, machinery, equipment - were leased out by the state and local governments in Kyiv: almost 4,100 auctions in 4 years.

The top three cities also include Kharkiv with almost 1,700 successful auctions and Dnipro with over 1,300.

Read also: Small-scale privatization via Prozorro.Sale already raised UAH 17.2B

Property in Kyiv brings in the most funds to the state and local budgets as a result of online auctions - almost UAH 54 million a year. Communal and state assets in Lviv annually contribute almost UAH 17 million to the budgets of various levels, and in Odesa - more than UAH 10.4 million a year.

As of mid-June, more than 300 tenders for the lease of state and municipal property with a starting value of over UAH 1.8 million per year were announced in the system.

As reported, the Kyiv City Council has decided to hold auctions for the lease of land plots for the placement of kiosks in the ProZorro.Sale system; the first plots will be offered in the Pechersk district.