On Monday, power outage schedules to be in effect throughout the day

Due to rising temperatures and increased electricity consumption, restrictions will be in effect throughout the day on Monday, June 8.

The national power grid operator Ukrenergo announced this on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"On July 8, consumption restrictions will be in effect throughout the day. From 00:00 to 14:00, the regional power distribution companies will apply two queues of power outages, from 19:00 to 22:00 – four queues," the statement said.

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According to Ukrenergo, three queues of power outages will be applied simultaneously in other hours.

It is emphasized that the restrictive measures are a consequence of an increase in electricity consumption due to the heat.

As reported, generating equipment is expected to be repaired at the end of July, which will improve the situation in the power system.