Lithuania to provide Ukraine with equipment from decommissioned thermal power plant

Lithuanian Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys will visit the third thermal power plant in Vilnius (TPP-3) to inspect the unused equipment that is being transferred to Ukraine and will discuss the safety of energy facilities and support for Ukraine.

That's according to Lithuanian broadcaster LRT, Ukrinform reports.

Lithuania's energy company Ignitis gamyba (formerly Lietuvos Energija) is handing over the equipment from TPP-3 to Ukraine. This power plant in Lithuania was shut down in 2015 due to high operating costs. According to the head of the company, Asta Sungailiene, the equipment is suitable for Ukraine's energy infrastructure and meets the needs of the country's power grid operator.

Last Monday, the ministry announced that Lithuanian energy companies would hand over equipment worth more than EUR 50 million to Ukraine.

In late June, Lithuania's electricity transmission system operator Litgrid handed Ukraine autotransformers and other energy equipment worth more than EUR 4 million.

Photo: @GitanasNauseda