Transport Safety Service collects a record UAH 600M in fines in 2023


This year, the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka) expects to collect a similar amount in fines to that of last year, which reached a record UAH 600 million.

Yevhen Zborovskyi, Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety, said this in an interview with Ukrinform.

“In 2023, we managed to collect almost UAH 600 million in fines. These figures are a new record for us. Based on the current budget dynamics and the fact that approximately UAH 400 million has already been allocated, it is likely that the figure for 2024 will be similar to that of the previous year,” Zborovskyi said.

He stated that the majority of revenue is generated from fines imposed for the lack of required documents used in the transportation of freight and passengers. Their proportion of the total number of violations detected is approximately 30%.

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One of the most common violations is drivers failing to comply with work and rest hours, which frequently results in road accidents.

“In Ukraine, the number of road traffic fatalities exceeds 3,000 annually. Our investigations indicate that in approximately 70% of cases, violations of work and rest hours are a factor in road accidents with victims. This is an issue where there can be no compromise, and we will maintain strict control over it,” he said.

As reported, as part of the enhanced control measures in the Mykolaiv region, inspectors from the State Transport Safety Service identified violations amounting to a total of UAH 652,000.