Right Sector leader Yarosh steps down

Lawmaker, leader of "Right Sector" Dmytro Yarosh has announced his resignation from "Right Sector" and the establishment of a new movement.

He wrote on the website of "Right Sector".

"I believe that today Right Sector as a revolutionary structure has fulfilled its mission and it has fulfilled it completely. My team and I withdraw from the national liberation movement "Right Sector". We announce establishment of a new political movement, the founding congress of which is scheduled for February. We are now working on its development, concept of operations, program guidelines," he writes.

Yarosh notes his team, as always, stays on the path of revolution, "but it absolutely opposes pseudo revolutionary activities that pose a threat to the existence of the Ukrainian state and sullies the reputation of the patriots."

As far as the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps is concerned, which defended the villages of Pisky, the Donetsk city airport, Shyrokine, Saur-Mohyla, set up the medical Hospitallers battalion, its soldiers saved thousands of lives, then, as the legislator notes "he should grow and develop further, move up to a qualitatively new level. Therefore, the 5th and 8th battalions of the Corps and the medical battalion "Hospitallers" are transformed into the Ukrainian volunteer army. It will become one of the structures that we create for our new movement."