State Secretary Steinlein: Germany stands by Ukraine in its transformation process
State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany Stephan Steinlein says that Germany has assisted and will continue to assist Ukraine in its process of carrying out reforms.
“Germany stands by Ukraine in its transformation process. In addition to our continued commitment to resolve the conflict in the east, Germany assists Ukraine with one of the most substantial support packages worldwide,” Steinlein said at the German-Ukrainian conference 'After Euromaidan: Off to New Horizons,’ which took place in Berlin on May 3-4, own Ukrinform correspondent reports.
According to him, in 2016, Berlin will again contribute about 200 million euros in bilateral assistance in key reform areas such as the energy sector, public administration and decentralization. Furthermore, 300 out of the 500 million euros loan guarantees “are still available”, Steinlein said.
In June, State Secretary Stephan Steinlein and officials from other German ministries will again visit Ukraine “to push forward the implementation of a joint action plan for Ukraine”.
According to the diplomat, one of Germany’s priorities is also civil society cooperation. Thus, the German Bundestag allocated additional funds for cooperation in this area, Steinlein said but failed to specify the sum.
In addition, Steinlein doesn’t agree with sceptics saying that Ukraine has failed as a state, and that reforms have failed, as well as ideas of Maidan.
“Well, I do not at all believe these sceptics are right. And I always tell them: One of the big assets that Ukraine has is its vibrant civil society that could be hardly found in any other country of the Eastern partnership,” The State Secretary of the German Federal Foreign Office stressed.