Ukraine grateful to U.S. partners for strong support – president

President Petro Poroshenko stresses that Ukraine is grateful to U.S. partners and partners from the EU for a strong and constant support of our state.

"I thanked the vice president and asked to convey words of gratitude to the president of the United States, the Congress for the financial support of Ukraine. You know that the budget provides more than USD 700 million for the additional support of our state. And this is the position of a true friend and partner," Poroshenko told the media representatives after the meeting with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, the press service of the head of state reported.

"I am grateful to our American partners and our European partners for a clear and consistent position of support for Ukraine," Poroshenko added.

The president said that a very thorough discussion took place at the meeting with the U.S. vice president. "He [Mike Pence] emphasized at the very beginning that Ukraine was a reliable and strategic partner of the United States of America. We firmly count on cooperation, including in the defense sector, including in the supply of all types of weapons to Ukraine, after we have adopted the law that allows the Defense Ministry to directly provide the supply of weapons," the head of state said.

The parties discussed further steps to be taken in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine as well as the policy of sanctions.

The interlocutors also agreed on the further support for our state and support for reforms. "We agreed that the firm support of Ukraine would be continued in the United Nations General Assembly during the debate on the occupied territories, as well as in other international organizations," the head of state said.

In turn, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence assured of the U.S. support for Ukraine during the meeting. "I want to express a simple message to Ukrainians: "We are with you". Recent developments in the Kerch Strait remind of the challenges of Russian aggression faced by Ukraine. I want to assure you that the United States supports Ukraine," he said.

He also noted the economic reforms that made possible additional cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF. "I look forward to your further progress in the economy and hope that we will find additional ways to strengthen security in Europe," Pence added.