Ten Crimean Tatars transferred from Rostov pre-trial detention center in unknown direction

Ten illegally convicted Crimean Tatars are being transferred from the pre-trial detention center No.1 in Russian city of Rostov in an unknown direction.

The Crimean Solidarity initiative reported this with reference to activists who tried to pass a parcel to the pre-trial detention center.

"Unfortunately, we failed to pass a parcel. We were told in the pre-trial detention center that some are being transferred and some get ready for transfer," said activist Kulamet Ibrayimov.

According to him, Vadym Siruk, Inver Bekirov, Arsen Dzhepparov get ready for transfer which will start already today, while Teymur Abdullayev, Uzeir Abdullayev, Emir-Useyin Kuku, Muslim Aliyev, Refat Alimov, Enver Seitosmanov, Nariman Memedeminov were transferred at the end of last week. The direction is unknown.

As reported, on November 12, the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced defendants in Yalta’s Hizb ut-Tahrir case to imprisonment in a penal colony. According to the court's ruling, Muslim Aliyev was sentenced to 19 years in prison, Inver Bekirov — to 18 years, Emir-Usein Kuku — 12 years, Vadym Siruk — 12 years, Arsen Dzhepparov — 7 years, and Refat Alimov — 8 years.

Defendants in first Simferopol’s Hizb ut-Tahrir case Teymur Abdullayev and Uzeir Abdullayev were sentenced to 17 and 13 years in prison, respectively.

Enver Seitosmanov was sentnenced to 17 years in high-security penal colony.
