Court to consider appeals against Yanukovych verdict on Jan 20 - lawyer

Kyiv Court of Appeal has postponed until January 20 the consideration of appeals against a verdict issued by Kyiv's Obolonsky District Court in the case of high treason by former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Yanukovych's lawyer, Vitaliy Serdiuk, has told Ukrinform.

"During the past two court sessions, we motivated the need to revoke the verdict by the existence of significant violations of current criminal law and the existence of violations of the European Convention on Human Rights. The total number of violations committed by the court is 69. Lawyers reported on them today. [The court session] has been postponed until 11:00 on January 20," Serdiuk said.

On January 24, 2019, Kyiv's Obolonsky District Court sentenced Yanukovych in absentia to 13 years in prison for high treason and aiding in the conduct of an aggressive war.

At the same time, Yanukovych was found not guilty on charges of violating Ukraine's territorial integrity.

The former president's defense team appealed the verdict.
