Sanctions against Russia must be commensurate with gravity of its war crimes – Zelensky

The sanctions against the Russian Federation must be commensurate with the gravity of war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine.

The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his video address, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“We are preparing a new package of powerful sanctions against Russia for everything it has done to our people. Now it is a crucial moment, especially for Western leaders. And this is no longer about how our people will evaluate the new sanctions and what I will say about them. This is about how decisions on sanctions will be assessed in Western societies themselves,” Zelensky told.

In his words, after what the world saw in Bucha, sanctions against Russia must be commensurate with the gravity of the occupiers’ war crimes.

“If after that Russian banks will still be able to function as usual... If after that the transit of goods to Russia will continue as usual... If after that the EU countries will pay for Russian energy resources as usual... Then the political fate of some leaders will develop not as usual. My advice to everyone: feel now that the moment is really crucial,” Zelensky stressed.

A reminder that such settlements as Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, and the entire Kyiv Region, were liberated from Russian invaders. The mass killings of civilians, committed by Russian troops, were revealed within the liberated areas.
