Ukraine’s MFA asks to support petition ‘Put Putin on trial’

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine asks to support the petition "Put Putin on trial" on Avaaz platform.

“By giving the order to attack Ukraine, Putin committed the crime of aggression, the most serious of all crimes against international peace. This crime cannot and must not go unpunished. That is why we call on our international partners to support the establishment of the Special Tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine. Global public support for the initiative is very important. We call on people all over the world to sign the petition ‘Put Putin on trial’,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs quotes Dmytro Kuleba in a publication on Facebook.

In March, minister Kuleba called on the international community to create such a special tribunal. Since then, the idea has received support from the legal community and civil society, the PACE, the European Parliament, the NATO PA, and the OSCE PA, as well as 1.8 million people who have signed a petition on Avaaz platform.

The Russian authorities demand that Avaaz should remove a petition called "Put Putin on trial" which calls for the Russian political and military leadership to be held accountable, in particular by creating a Special Tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine, the Ministry emphasizes.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasizes that global public support for this idea is very important: "Avaaz called on the petition supporters to collect more signatures to reach the 2 million mark. We join Avaaz in calling for support for the petition. We have to make Russian leaders understand that their crimes will not go unpunished and that the world's stance on the responsibility for serious crimes committed by Russian officials and military in and against Ukraine remains tough."

On February 24, the Russian Federation began a new stage of the war against Ukraine – a full-scale invasion. Russian invaders shell and bomb Ukrainian cities and villages, torturing and killing the civilian population.
