Dutch parliament designates Russia a state sponsor of terrorism

The Parliament of the Netherlands named Russia's actions against the civilian population in Ukraine terrorism, and Russia a state sponsor of terrorism.

Ukrinform reports this with reference to trouw.nl.

The House of Representatives has recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism because of the war in Ukraine," the report reads.

It is noted that most parties, in particular, the VVD (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy), D66 (Progressive Democrats), PvdA (Labor Party), CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal), voted in favor of a proposal of MP Tom van der Lee from GroenLinks (GreenLeft).

Most parties support the government's policy of maximum possible support for Ukraine in the humanitarian, diplomatic and military spheres.

As reported by Ukrinform, the European Parliament recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The vote took place in Strasbourg during the plenary session of the European Parliament.
