OSCE Permanent Council to hold special meeting due to missile attack on Odesa

The OSCE Permanent Council will hold an extraordinary special meeting on Tuesday, July 25, to discuss Russian missile terror in general and Sunday's attack on Odesa in particular.

Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna, Yevhenii Tsymbaliuk, told this to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"It is important for the Permanent Council to focus on Russian missile terror due to Sunday's attack on Odesa. With its systematic attacks on civilian objects in Ukraine, Russia aims, first and foremost, to terrorize the population. We also see how Russia is trying to raise the stakes to a global level, destroying the port infrastructure and disrupting the implementation of the grain initiative," Tsymbaliuk said.

In his opinion, convening this special meeting "will be a clear signal to Russia about the consolidated position of our partners and that the world is not tired of war." The special meeting will demonstrate "that Russia will not be able to fool anyone with its manipulative theses about the grain initiative" and "that Russia's responsibility, both political and legal, is unavoidable," Tsymbaliuk added.

Read also: ODIHR condemns Russian strike targeting Odesa cathedral

On the night of July 22-23, Russian troops launched a massive attack on Odesa city and the Odesa region. The invaders fired 19 missiles of different types.

The attack targeted the historic center of Odesa, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Because of the nighttime attack, 25 architectural monuments were damaged, including the Transfiguration Cathedral.

The attack left one person dead and 22 people injured, including four children.

North Macedonia's Chairpersonship of the OSCE strongly condemned Russia's attack on civilian and religious objects in Odesa.

The OSCE's press service also called on Russia to realign itself with its international commitments and end its war, including through a complete withdrawal from Ukraine.

Photo: crisisgroup.org