Support until victory: NATO-Ukraine Interparliamentary Council approves statement

In Brussels, Ukraine-NATO Interparliamentary Council (UNIC) members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) approved a joint statement confirming the readiness of NATO Allies to support Ukraine until its victory in the war against the aggressor country.

The statement was approved by the UNIC Co-Chairs Oleksandr Korniyenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, and Audronius Azubaliz, a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

The document says that as Russia’s flagrant and unequivocally illegal full-scale aggression against Ukraine, in blatant violation of international law and human rights, is nearing its second anniversary, it continues to inflict intolerable death, suffering, and destruction upon the Ukrainian people, gravely undermining Euro-Atlantic and global security and threatening the very foundations of the rules-based international order. Over the last weeks, Russia has massively stepped up its campaign of missile and drone attacks across Ukraine. Once again, civilians and civilian infrastructure have been deliberately and systematically targeted.

Read also: British expert on Russian hybrid threats Jade McGlynn:

“We strongly condemn the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the unprecedented demonstration by the aggressor state of its terrorist nature. These attacks serve as a cruel reminder of the significant and direct threat the Russian Federation continues to pose to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and globally, and the imperative to stand united with Ukraine until its victory,” the document reads.

It is noted that Russian aggression against Ukraine has taken a severe human toll and caused enormous suffering to the Ukrainian people. 5.9 million Ukrainians have sought refuge in Europe alone, and 3.7 million have been internally displaced. According to the most conservative estimates, over 10,000 civilians have been killed since February 2022. 

The Council reaffirmed profound respect and admiration for Ukraine’s heroic defence of its territory and our shared democratic values.

“Russia is determined to continue the war. Its war budget has increased, its economy has transitioned to a war footing, and it projects instability around the world through its proxies. If not defeated in Ukraine, Russia will use Ukraine’s territory and resources to threaten the European states. Allied parliamentarians, joined by democratic nations worldwide, remain resolutely united behind Ukraine in its valiant fight to defend its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders. We welcome the Assembly’s continued commitment to supporting vital military, economic, political, and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine,” the document says.

The document welcomes the Assembly’s continued commitment to supporting vital military, economic, political, and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, noting that allies must do their utmost to increase, speed up, and sustain the delivery of military equipment, which Ukraine urgently needs to win.

“To truly achieve peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area, a strong, democratic, and secure Ukraine must become a full member of the NATO and EU families,” the document says.

As earlier reported, since the first days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, NATO Allies have been providing Ukraine with significant political, economic and military assistance, which is widely supported by civil society in the Alliance.