Ratification of Rome Statute contributes to establishing int’l tribunal - MP

Ukraine's ratification of the Rome Statute will give the country the opportunity to influence the drafting of amendments to the Statute, related to the creation of a tribunal and bringing Russian war criminals to justice.

That’s according to Maryna Bardina, deputy chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation, Ukrinform reports.

"If we talk about changes Ukraine can make to the Rome Statute when it becomes a full member of the International Criminal Court, we support the creation of an international tribunal," she said.

The People's Deputy emphasized the importance of holding Russian criminals accountable for crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine.

Read also: Ratifying Rome Statute gives Ukraine better long-term protection - ex-ICC judge

"However, the International Criminal Court today does not have such powers, that is, it cannot perform the functions that a tribunal can perform. And perhaps there is room to move in this direction," Bardina emphasized.

She added that the priority for Ukraine at the moment is establishing a tribunal for the Russian crimes in Ukraine.

Read also: Kuleba on Rome Statute ratification: important step toward EU membership

As Ukrinform reported earlier, on August 21, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and its amendments.