Explaining complex things in simple words: territorial concessions issue, execution of POWs, defense industry development

The Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security pursues efforts to provide a brief explanation to foreign audiences on the current topics of particular interest as regards Ukraine.


The Financial Times claims that Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, during his visit to the U.S., discussed with partners territorial concessions that Ukraine would accept for the sake of peace.

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine denied the rumourssurrounding the visit of Andrii Sybiha to the United States.

 Ukraine will not agree to any compromises regarding its territorial integrity and sovereignty. This is the official position of Kyiv, which coincides with the views of the majority of the country's citizens.

 Implementation of the “peace in exchange for territory” formula would be an incentive for aggressors and a prologue to new wars in the future.

 Kyiv's strategic goal is a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine and the restoration of security on the continent.

 To achieve just and sustainable peace, partners must act decisively and quickly. Military aid for Ukraine is the only way to force Russia to follow the path of diplomacy.


Another war crime committed by the occupiers was known: representatives of the Russian Armed Forces in the combat zone near the villages of Mykolaivka and Sukhyi Yar in the Donetsk region shot 16 Ukrainian prisoners of war.

 This is the most massive case of the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war on the front line.

 Such actions by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and qualify as a grave international crime.

 Killing and torturing prisoners of war is a widespread and purposeful Russian practice, which is confirmed by many facts and direct testimonies.

 Every Russian crime will be investigated, and the murderers will not remain anonymous and unpunished.

 Ukraine strictly adheres to the Geneva Conventions, laws, and customs of war. This confirms Ukraine's commitment to European values and norms of international law.


In the conditions of a full-scale war, Ukraine has actually built a new defense industry, the President of Ukraine said.

 Due to the development of defense industries, Ukraine can become one of the key global security donors and a strong player in the market of weapons and defense technologies.

 Today, Ukraine is capable of producing 4 million drones per year. In the first half of 2024, 25 times more ammunition was produced for artillery and mortars than in the whole of 2022.

 In 2024, Ukraine successfully used a new class of weapons: the Palianytsia long-range missile drone, developed already during a full-scale war.

 The development of one's own military-industrial complex is the main guarantee of national security from a strategic perspective.