MFA denies BILD's insinuations about Ukraine's plans to develop weapons of mass destruction

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has denied insinuations about Ukraine's plans to develop weapons of mass destruction.

This is said in a commentary by MFA Spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi, published on the ministry’s website, Ukrinform reports.

“We officially deny the insinuations of unnamed sources in the BILD publication regarding Ukraine's alleged plans to develop weapons of mass destruction. Ukraine has been and remains a committed party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, to which it acceded in 1994, having renounced the world's third most powerful military nuclear capability,” the commentary says.

As noted, Ukraine, which has made the greatest contribution to international peace, security and nuclear non-proliferation in history, is now facing nuclear blackmail from the terrorist state of Russia.

“Moscow is not only resorting to irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric on weapons of mass destruction, but also poses unacceptable threats to nuclear facilities in Ukraine by continuing the illegal occupation of the ZNPP and considering strikes on elements of Ukraine's nuclear energy system. We call on the international community to increase pressure on Moscow to prevent the implementation of its aggressive plans,” the MFA stressed.

The Ministry recalled that Russia, which is engaged in nuclear blackmail, occupies a seat of a permanent member of the UN Security Council. This is a country that has pledged to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and not to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine. 

Ukraine is convinced that the Non-Proliferation Treaty remains the cornerstone of the global international security architecture. Despite the ongoing Russian aggression, Ukraine continues to comply with the provisions of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and remains a responsible participant in the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.

“Unlike Russia, Ukraine honors its obligations and counts on other responsible international actors to do the same. We call on the international community to unite in implementing the Peace Formula, particularly its first element—Radiation and Nuclear Safety,” the MFA summarized.

As Ukrinform reported, at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine does not create nuclear weapons but seeks security guarantees from NATO.